“One of the things I enjoy most about my job at Acentech is the often immediate applicability of the work we do to affect and benefit projects and end-users. I also love the array of challenges, problems and applications we get to tackle.”
Marc Newmark, Director of Acentech’s Noise and Vibration group, has a wide range of experience in acoustics and vibration from a background in transportation noise, vibration analysis, outdoor sound modeling and product testing. He has worked on a variety of applications and projects that include: vibration studies for healthcare facilities and research laboratories; design of vibration isolation systems; remote monitoring systems for construction-related noise and vibration; noise modeling of racetracks, wind turbines, manufacturing facilities, transportation sources and recreational parks; acoustical design of highway noise barriers; environmental impact and assessment studies for aviation, highway and rail developments; and human subject and material testing for commercial products. Marc serves as Acentech’s Remote Monitoring Services (RMS) Co-Leader, responsible for marketing strategy, client development and industry thought leadership.
Game Time
Most of my colleagues don’t know I’m a certified basketball official. When I’m not working, I’m spending time with my wife and two children.