Robert Connick
Healthcare | Market Co-Leader
Under the direction of architects Miller Dyer Spears, the Lithgow building in Dorchester’s Codman Square underwent a $12 million renovation to offer new K-8 facilities for the Codman Academy Public School. Due to concerns about new exterior mechanical equipment, as well as Boston’s environmental noise regulations, Acentech was hired to provide acoustics consulting.
Acentech provided advice regarding room acoustics, sound isolation and mechanical systems noise control/vibration isolation for spaces throughout the building including eleven classrooms, a dance studio, a science lab, an arts studio, a dining room, and a teaching kitchen. Acentech recommended room finishes for the instructional spaces, in order to enhance speech communication and the performance of AV and other electronic systems.
Additionally, due to concerns about new exterior mechanical equipment as well as Boston’s environmental noise regulations, Acentech was hired to perform a comprehensive study of the noise conditions at the site and provide recommendations toward meeting suitable exterior noise goals. To this end, we measured the noise at the site over a period of several days to characterize the site’s 24 hour soundscape, we performed extensive computer modeling to predict the noise impact from new mechanical equipment, and with the design team, we selected equipment that will not exceed the established noise goals.
Noise from exterior mechanical equipment was a major concern, as it would impact the neighboring buildings in the dense urban setting. Accordingly, Acentech estimated mechanical system noise levels at adjacent property lines, and used these figures to inform the noise mitigation recommendations.
Acentech is proud to support Codman Academy’s mission to provide an outstanding, transformative education to students preparing for success in college.