Robert S. Berens
Studio A, Acentech’s specialized consulting group for the performing arts, provided acoustics and audiovisual consulting for the renovation of the Sophia Gordon Center for Creative and Performing Arts at Salem State University.
In conjunction with Salem State University and the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance, architect Leers Weinzapfel designed a complete remodel of the theater in the historic theater building. The project reduced theater capacity from 740 seats to 490, to provide a more intimate setting, improve sightlines, and to better serve the community.
The building comprises three stories: a basement with a scene shop, faculty offices, dressing room, green room, and a light lab; the main floor with stage, audience chamber, lobbies, conference room, control room, and sound mixing space; and a second floor with large rehearsal space, computer lab, conference room, and lobby.
Acentech provided acoustics consulting on room shaping and finishes, seating, and mechanical system noise and vibration control. Our consultants created an acoustical computer model of the theater to aid in its design.
Acentech also designed the audiovisual systems, including speech reinforcement, special effects, music playback, and large screen display system. Our audiovisual and acoustics consultants collaborated together on room finishes, to ensure that speech intelligibility is maximized throughout the space.