Acentech: Celebrating 30 years of employee ownership (and counting)
This week Acentech is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its independence from Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN) and I recently had the honor of interviewing the…
Acentech is horrified and disgusted by the continued extrajudicial killings of black people at the hand of, or abetted by, law enforcement, most recently exhibited by the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and others. This must not go on.
We stand passionately against hatred, racism and discrimination of any kind and we support those protesting racism, oppression and targeted violence across the country.
We are committed to create a better future by doing our part to affect real change. This will take time, serious commitment and accountability. We have a lot of work to do, and hereby pledge to:
As an immediate action step, Acentech has pledged to contribute to Black Lives Matter and further match our employees’ individual donations.