Internal Research & Development
Acentech is excited to announce the launch of our Internal Research & Development Grant Program. Its goal is to encourage our consulting staff to explore topics…
You find yourself standing outside a busy row of restaurants, faced with the daunting task of finding a place to both eat & enjoy a conversation with a friend. What would you do?
A.) Pull out your favorite smartphone app, and start frantically flipping through reviews
B.) Put your nose up to the window menu, squinting while trying to make sense of whimsical monikers for artisan-crafted dishes
C.) You already knew the perfect place since you’ve read up on every gourmet spot within 5 square miles, only to find out there is a 2-hour minimum wait
D.) You pick the busiest restaurant that can seat you quickly, blindly trusting that the local patrons can’t be (all) wrong.
If you’re like me, you may have already done some combination of A, B & C, and by the time you hit option D you and your friend are faced with a conundrum –you’re so hungry that you’re ready to step into any raucous affair that’s willing to seat you, even if means being packed like sardines in a room forged by the voices of alcohol-fueled young professionals unwinding, spiced up a notch through the Lombard effect, and simmered to a nice 95+ dB within the cauldron of dimly lit bare walls, faux-antique wood/metal trim, and full-height glass windows.
Sure, there might be a smidgen of shallow wall coverings, or a few lonely sound absorptive panels lamenting over the bar, and like a bad singles’ night – it’s simply too little, of the wrong sort, and hanging out in all the wrong places. It’s no secret that restaurateurs prefer “buzz” over “fuzz” (i.e. sound absorptive materials) — a summary of recent research suggests that increased noise levels encourage patrons to consume more drinks, and eat faster. Some restaurants are even resorting to enhancing noise levels just to create that perception of “buzz”.
Is all lost then, if you’re trying to enjoy a good conversation and meal, out on the town? Sure, you could cup our ears the whole time, or get uncomfortably close within spitting range. Here are some of practical tips on what to look for if you’re trying to find a place to converse during dinner, before you delve into the ranks of the culinary cacophony:
“It deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.”
Speech intelligibility, like dining, is a multi-modal experience engaging multiple sensory inputs and cognitive levels – and we still have a lot to discover about its complexity. Would you be able to focus on a conversation better if you were surrounded solely by foreign-language diners that you couldn’t understand? How significant was the fact that we were almost 20 years older than the median age in the crowd? Is your friend in fact more lucid and intelligible after three cocktails? Let me know if you want to participate in that last study.
Note – hearing loss from excessive noise buildup for the hard-working staff in restaurants exposed to 85dB+ nightly is in fact a serious problem – but can be mitigated with the right stuff, in the right amount, in the right places.