Stick-Slip Squeal in a Dry Scroll Vacuum Pump
Vacuum pumps have been described as compressors for rarefield gases. This paper discusses an occurrence of stick-slip squeal that developed during the design of a new…
“I appreciate the skills and technical understanding of the people at Acentech, and they – and the technical challenges inherent in the work – make my job enjoyable.”
At Acentech, Dr. James Moore is responsible for the analysis of vibration and sound transmission in mechanical systems. This effort often involves performing “noise audits” on a variety of devices such as consumer products, machinery, medical devices, and military hardware. The audits rank-order contributions from individual sources as a basis for developing efficient noise control approaches to reduce noise. Jim has extensive experience in developing experimental transfer functions to characterize vibration and noise transmission in ships, automobiles, helicopters and buildings that, along with measured or estimated source levels, complete the noise audit representation of source contributions for these complex systems.
Jim develops analytical models to predict acoustic propagation in porous materials and baffles of compliant tubes used on submarine hull structures, acoustic propagation through silencing systems for use with internal combustion engines and airflow paths within medical devices, as well as models for predicting vibration transmission in ship, submarine, and aerospace structures using Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA). He has also been involved in the development of adaptive noise cancelling approaches for an electronic stethoscope used in medical evacuation helicopters to reduce background noise, and for a military handset to remove gunshot sounds from radio communications on a battlefield.
I enjoy being outside – hiking, biking, and kayaking. I also derive a great of deal pleasure from tutoring junior high and high school students in the Boston Public School system.